Saturday, November 6, 2010

Crossing the street in Moldova

Crossing the street in Moldova always involves skill and a keen eye for action. It is important to remember that taxi drivers and minibus drivers stop for nothing and most drivers are generally trying to make the most of the opportunities to get through as they see them. I tend to be extra cautious when getting ready to cross the street and often wait until there is not traffic at all (could be a long wait....). A beautiful exception is that cars and pedestrians always make way for small children. The downtown sidewalks can be crowded with thousands of people walking all different speeds and in all different directions, and somehow even the smallest and most unstable toddlers make it through. People love to see children and often smile (even the really tough looking dudes) when they see a small child. This is an advantage for crossing the street. I have even seen taxi drivers and minibuses come to a complete stop for a child. They patiently wait for strollers and toddlers. So - the lesson for me is to follow a stroller when I want to cross the street!


  1. Get a stroller and a very realistic doll and you will be set!

  2. Actually, I could get a stroller for the nai!
